Congressman Curly to Catalyze National Dialogue Through Rockin’ Comedy Show

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July 23, 2024

Author: Jon Stojan

Congressman Curly’s Rockin’ Comedy Show, a fusion of stand-up comedy, music, and storytelling, presents a satirical yet insightful critique of the current state of the union of the United States. It sketches the life and actions of the influential figure, delving into the absurdities of Wasington’s political landscape.

Congressman Curly, portrayed by Tony Zorc—a comedian, political activist, author, and entrepreneur—is a fictional character demonstrating the corrupt and self-serving nature of career politicians. He hides behind an altruistic facade, acting as a major player in the nation’s political division. Curly, from Northern Virginia, has held the position of Party Leadership Committee Chair since 1978, making him the longest-serving U.S. Congressman.

Zorc’s portrayal aims to spotlight the pervasive issues within the political system, making Curly a catalyst for both division and potential unity. The idea behind the comedy act is to spark a national conversation about a real political movement. With the tagline “Comedy that Makes You Question,” the show intends to provoke thought and inspire action through humor.

Zorc hopes to engage citizens in meaningful discussions about change by highlighting the ridiculousness of the current political environment and utilizing a unique approach to make complex political topics more relatable and engaging through the use of three political clowns, named Harry, Curly, and Bo. This, in turn, breaks down barriers to understanding and creates discussions as together they serve as a metaphor for the existing Washington establishment.

“I’ve spent years observing the political landscape, witnessing the divide in our nation and dysfunction,” says Zorc, who ran as an independent for the Presidency in 2024, but has since formally ended his campaign. “My ultimate goal is to start a national conversation that encourages people to question the status quo and think critically about the direction we’re headed. These all come from my desire to see a more united and effective government—one that truly serves its people.”

The Rockin’ Comedy Show addresses the growing frustration and disillusionment many Americans feel toward their government. The potential impact of such a conversation is significant, as it can lead to increased voter participation, more informed citizens, and meaningful political reforms.

The comedy act also introduces the bold idea of forming new political parties to replace the existing ones, creating a system that better addresses the needs of all citizens. Zorc believes that establishing new parties with identical by-laws and a common goal to amend the constitution would plug a hole in the founders’ document for political parties, which is currently missing. This paves the way for new rules and a political environment prioritizing unity, transparency, and genuine public service.

Ultimately, the Rockin’ Comedy Show promises a memorable experience filled with laughter and thought-provoking content. It provides a platform for citizens to re-engage in politics with a focus on upgrading the system for all, regardless of their positions on polarizing issues. The show cultivates a sense of community and shared purpose by allowing audiences to engage and participate in conversations and activities throughout the performance. Zorc believes exploring these themes presents the potential to inspire real change.

The show hopes to evolve into a Broadway-style musical comedy to open in the Washington DC area. Zorc is currently engaged in fundraising and planning activities for its launch.

Audiences, especially boomers and Generation X, can catch Congressman Curly on July 26 at Dupont Circle, DC; July 31 in Alexandria, VA; August 1 in Downtown, DC; August 16 at Dupont Circle; and August 21 in Arlington, VA. Tickets are available now at


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