As an Upgrader you’ll be executing a plan to fire Curly and upgrade your Constitution with an organized Team.

Wait, What? Are you serious, Man?

Upgrade My Country is a plan to fire Curly and replace him with politicians that work for you and agree to upgrade the system with 2 pre-written Constitutional Amendments.

  • If you hired a company to perform a service for you and they did a terrible job you would fire them. You would choose a new provider. Politics should be no different, however, the Democratic and Republican Parties have created a duopoly to block you from choosing someone new. Congressman Curly is a metaphor for this corrupt duopoly. The Upgraders are a team designed to defeat Curly and replace him with politicians who represent you. Curly can be defeated in a series of 4 Games. Currently we are playing in Game 1.

  • The Upgraders have an hour team meeting monthly (2nd Monday night of each month at 8pm EST) to build community, get inspired and have fun. The monthly meeting can be attended virtually. Each month players take on a challenge to help grow the movement that is designed to not take longer than 3 hours. More community opportunities are available for those who are interested.

  • Yes. Player Dues are $120 annually. As a player you will be getting exclusive content, coaching and community with other Upgraders. Player Dues help cover the costs of content, meetings, staffing, software, etc to organize and run the team professionally. Your first year’s dues include a free t-shirt. All dues are classified as a donation and are tax deductible while you're playing in Game 1 of the series.

  • No! People don’t believe what they can’t see. The Upgraders approach to change in politics is completely unique and has never been tried before. It's not always easy for people to see and understand it, so they write it off as impossible. Most people thought it would be impossible to break the 4-minute mile, or land on the moon, until we did it. Don’t listen to the naysayers!

I’m Ready To Join!

Put me in the game coach! I’m ready to fire Curly and Upgrade My Country! I’m looking forward to meeting new people who feel like me and have fun while I do it!


I’ll Speak with a Coach!

I’m not sure about this? I’ll complete the form below to set up call with a coach to get my questions answered.